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11 years ago


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11 years ago I had my first cancer surgery, and although it was the easiest physically, I was the worst mentally. My little guy was just finishing 1st grade and I'm here to tell you that in 2 weeks he will be graduating from high school!!!

I so remember that first day of my first diagnosis. Since I was home from the doctor's I went to pick him up from school and his little face lit up when he saw me and all I could not stop wondering if I was going to die. . .


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Your trip from the doctor's office to your son's school mirrors my same path....and your thoughts reflect the very thing I was thinking as I looked into his little face, fresh from Kindergarden. The difference is that my diagnoses was one year ago and yours was 11 -- CONGRATULATIONS!!!

I can only hope to follow in your shoes. Thanks for being such an inspiration!

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Wow girlfriend, 11 years!! You are such a power of example Gail... it can happen!!

I haven't changed much of how I live my life since my surgery but the one thing I have changed is that I hug my son a little bit tighter every time I hug him.... and luckily he is still too young to not WANT me to hug him... :wink: I want to give him all the hugs that I can....

Congratulations again on your 11 years. The fact that you are going to see your son graduate high school gives me the hope that I will be there with mine... old as hell but there... :lol:

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Oh, you may be lucky Gail...but I'd still say you stand as an inspiration too!

Congrats! And I know you'll be sitting mighty proud in two weeks watching your son graduate, that long ago question having been answered some time ago.

I imagine there will be more than one face lit up on graduation night. Such a neat time in a young person's life. Enjoy every moment!!

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Congratulations! 11 years is wonderful.....I know you feel like a grateful, lucky person, and you are, but you do give a lot of us hope here on the boards. Without folks like you we wouldn't think it possible, and now we do.

I can just imagine how proud you'll be at that graduation......you've both accomplished some things, you know?

Best wishes,


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Wow, Gail, congratulations!!

Makes me think maybe I CAN get to 5 years without Murphy contacting chicken little about the sky falling in......

I've been fortunate so far. My four year old is now 9, has learned to read, and how to emulate her sister. Her sister, my 10 year old is now 15 and taller than I am. Quite the young woman.

I understand you must feel blessed to have made the "cut" to use a bad analogy. I hope your luck holds, and mine too, as well as everyone else here who is NED or in remission.

CELEBRATE LIFE!! especially the children.


Prayers, always.


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You ARE inspirational. You've made it this far through 3 cancer diagnoses, and you will see your young man graduate high school and start college in the Fall. You handle what life throws your way with such grace and compassion.

Now we just have to get your through the soon to be "empty nest". :wink:

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