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TBone update


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Hi everybody,

We had a big 4th celebration but I was unable to participate for the most part of it.I went for a while early afternoon and after a nap went back for a great fireworks show.I had,and still do,serious joint pain and body aches.I have scheduled an appointment with a pain management center but cannot get in until the 22nd.I usually feel fine in the early morning and by lunch my back,hips and shoulders are really hurting.I can get somewhat comfortable in a recliner with oxycontin but only for a couple of hours at a time.I am hoping that they will put me on duragesic patches.I have been on oxycodone for a long time and it seems not to have the effect that it once did.Also I think the pain is getting much worse too.Praying for us all.TBone

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Hi TBone,

Hey, you were there for some of the celebration! Hurray!

Sorry to hear about the pain level. Before Steve was dx'd w/cancer, he had severe face pain which the docs kept treating for sinus infection. No success and was getting worse. Steve is very much a traditionalist, regular MD.s all the way for him - but in desperation went to an acupuncturist. She was the real thing from a long line of Chinese doctors, trained in Chinese meds, written up in newspapers, etc. Anyway, within the first session he felt much better (I couldn't believe it), and the pain was completely resolved in four sessions. Someone told me that her own husband died from cancer (she doesn't claim to CURE things like cancer), and he did not have to use any pain meds. Steve just started back on MS Contin for bone pain, but we may try the acupuncture again. We have always "pooh-poohed" alternative medicine, but it seems that there certainly is a place for it.

Take care!

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what a difference a specialist makes

I have been seeing a pain management specialist since one month post op to magage missmanaged pain from my operation. she has done wonders to help me thru it all and very understanding

lets hope they can help you. if ya can call the office every day and see if they have a cancelation see if they can bump you up. can hurt to ask

at least that way they will know you when y ou show up. maybe even have them post the paper work and get that out of the way. cant hurt to try good luck

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Hey TBone! I was just about to put an ABP out for a member of your clan to see how the celebration went. I'm glad that you were at least a partial participant.

As far as your pain goes, that BITES! You've had your share of pain, that's for sure. (the leg, hip, groin pain.........now joint pain) My Dad had some pretty bad joint and bone pain during chemo. The good news is that Dad's pain decreased with the more chemo he had. ?????? Why? I don't know, but the first 2 or 3 cycles were absolutely the worst ones for him. Are you taking Zometa? I can't remember if you have bone mets. My brain is about gone. :lol: The days that Dad got Zometa were the worst. Hopefully, the pain specialist will help you. There is A LOT that can be done to control your pain. My father in law has been seeing a pain specialist for the last 4 years due to SEVERE degenerative disc disease. It has helped him a lot. One bit of advice on the pain specialist...........I don't know how your Dr. will be, but for the first few months, if my father in law needed to come in, they made him wait 2 weeks or more for a medication adjustment. (they were too "booked") Well, I went with him one day. (fresh blackberry cobbler in hand) I asked the Dr. why we had to wait so long for appointments. His answer was "Because pain is not a life or death medical emergency. There is only so much time in a day.) I very politely told the Dr. that he didn't consider it an emergency because he wasn't the one with SEVERE pain. Then I said, "By the way, I made you a blackberry cobbler." To make a long story short, we now do not wait for an appointment. Now, whether it was my confrontation or the blackberry cobbler............who knows. Sooooooooo if you are ever "put off", have one of your sister whip up something sweet and go with you to your appointment. That should do the job.

Best of luck!!


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You would think that cancer pain management would be a priority, but you would think lots of things that just ain't so.....

Terry, I am so glad you posted and saddened that you couldn't do as much celebrating as you might have liked. That does suck. (I love using words that the posting computer chip automatically deletes.. it amazes me!!!). I found one that got past it, hah. Won't tell you which one, though.

And Angie, you are welcome to make me a blackberry cobbler any ol time you want.....


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You would think that cancer pain management would be a priority, but you would think lots of things that just ain't so.....

Terry, I am so glad you posted and saddened that you couldn't do as much celebrating as you might have liked. That does suck. (I love using words that the posting computer chip automatically deletes.. it amazes me!!!). I found one that got past it, hah. Won't tell you which one, though.

And Angie, you are welcome to make me a blackberry cobbler any ol time you want.....


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Elaine.........I have been picking blackberries all week long. I now have about 18 quarts of blackberries in my freezer. (never know when you might need to bribe a doctor!! :lol: ) I would gladly bake you a blackberry cobbler.............just not too sure of how it might arrive after our postal service has had their hands on it. If you ever get remotely close to Alabama..............give me a ring, I'll whip one right up for you! :wink:


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Glad about your post,

now, at least we know what is happening

with you, sorry about the pain, but waiting is long when

you hurt.

After the pain management meeting, you will be soon

able to celebrate all you missed lately.


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At least you were able to enjoy some of the 4th celebrations! I hope the pain management folks can make you more comfortable. Pain makes you feel worse than you already do and relief is a MUST.

Take care,


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It was great to hear from you. I wish you had felt better and been able to have more time enjoying yourself. My Brother used the patch (75mg) and he helped him tremendously. I do hope they get your pain under control soon. As far as waiting till the 22nd well...... I think thats far too long and it may not be life threatning but it sure feels like it I am sure. I would do as suggested to you in an earlier post and call there daily until they get sick of hearing your voice and get you in there!! You are in my prayers always.

God Bless you,


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Hey, T-Bone,

Good to hear from you. Sounds like you and I did the same things on July 4th....Hung out for a while, slept for a while, then watched fireworks. I love fireworks.

Glad you will be able to see a pain management specialist. They can make a world of difference, and I'm sure they'll be able to find something that will help with the joint pain.

You hang in there, my friend.

Much Affection,

Fay A.

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Tbone, I am so sorry you didnt get to spend the entire afternoon with all of the "gang" but completely understand. At least you were there and got to see the fireworks. I have been thinking alot about you and your family and hoped that you would enjoy your belated birthday bash. I hope the pain specialist can "fix you right up". Keeping you in my prayers.


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All of the hospitals have these posters about 'Tell us about your pain' and are always asking 'Do you have pain'. Controlling pain has become a big part of treatment.

I would call the pain management people and continue calling until you get in sooner. I think the 22nd is unacceptable. But then I have been called a name I can't use here.

T, I hope you are feeling better soon. Glad you got to see the fireworks, they are my favorite.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Sounds like maybe you are due to try Fentanyl patches....

Keep calling that office for a cancellation.

Make sure the nurse knows you're desperate for a cancellation, and make sure she knows your name ( and you should know hers...).

Bribes are always appreciated....



Prayers, always...

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Good Afternoon, All;

Terry is still at Columbus Hospice (day 6 today) getting his meds regulated for pain management. I visited with him yesterday and he looked good, had good color and said he wasn't in as much pain as he had been. He had been quite groggy Saturday but didn't seem that way to me yesterday. He's anxious to come home.

Ginger went to see him this morning and apparently he had a very rough night and today wasn't going so well. Katha is on her way down there so I'm sure I'll hear more later today. We've had no indication of when he may come home.

Ann is exhausted, both mentally and physically, as she's been at his side the entire time except for a couple of meals out where friends/family made her leave. So maybe Katha going down for a few days will allow her to get some rest as Terry reacts very well to Katha.

All the Buena Vista group (siblings, children, nieces/nephews, in-laws of TBone) apparently had some nervous energy yesterday and spent the day at Terry and Ann's house sprucing up, painting, doing yard work, cooking, and just generally venting excess energy as a surprise for Ann when they get home. Katha & I were jealous that we were up here in Atlanta and couldn't participate.

Everybody take care and we'll keep you posted.


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