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I can't believe he's gone


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I received the phone call I didn't want this morning at 6:20. Dad died peacefully at home at about 6:15. I knew it was coming, and I thought I was prepared, but I wasn't.

It hurts so bad! I'm packing now and trying to make all the arrangements to get to Texas today. Can't concentrate, can't remember details like my cell phone number, can't figure out what to take. I'm trying to come through the fog, but it hurts so bad.

Add to this that we received a call last night that our 29-year-old nephew was diagnosed with testicular cancer yesterday afternoon. He's in surgery in Nashville this morning.


Thank you all for supporting me through this horror. I'm praying for all of you.


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Pamela -

I am so sorry for your loss. I have been wondering about you and how things were going. Please accept my deepest sympathies. I hope you have a safe trip, when you get back please give me a call maybe we can get together and have cofee or whatever....I am thinking about you!

Much Love,


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I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how much it hurts, even if you know it's coming. During the last moments when my dad was dying, I was crying really hard, and sobbed out the words, "Why does dying have to hurt so much?" My pastor got up from his chair, walked over, put his arm around me and gently said, "Now, Peggy, he doesn't look to me like he's in any pain at all." I said, "Not him - Me!!!"

I'm sorry I didn't see this thread this morning because I'm sure you are in Texas already. Pamela, please accept my sincere condolences for this great loss. I will pray for you and your family, and especially for your nephew.



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