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Everything posted by gail

  1. Everyone said it all--and Becky's list is thorough. Everyone has said it--Do NOT be afraid of the pain meds. I had an epidural, woke up to morphine, then on demoral, sent home on percocet. I did not wait for pain to take the percocet. For the first week at home it was pretty much every 4 hours. The good news was by the time I returned to my surgeon for the follow up, I was off the pain meds. He was surprised. You have little kids, and want to be their mom even with the surgery. My now 21 year old was 7 when I had my first breast cancer. I sent him to his aunt's when I came home so I could really rest for a few days. He cried when he left, which absolutley devastated me. He of course had a ball there and didn't want to come home. Years later I asked him if he remembered that--of course he didn't. Don't feel bad about asking for help. When you recover you will be the first in line to help the next person gail
  2. gail


    Hi Richard, Six years ago I too was told I had early stage lung cancer. Take one step at a time, and stay here with us gail
  3. gail

    Bev's quick obit.

    I could see her spirit in her obit and especially in her picture. My thoughts go out to you gail
  4. Without a doubt you have my prayers. And here's my premie story--friend's boy was born at 26 weeks and under 2 pounds. today, at 8, he is a bruiser. PLEASE keep us posted gail
  5. Hey girl, good to hear from you and SO GLAD all is well! Looking at your bio below, we are almost soul sisters! My DOB 3/12/56 (Really happy to see 50) diagnose date 4/24/01 but I don't have grandkids yet, which is good since he isn't out of college gail
  6. I'm glad I asked! It was great--thanks! gail
  7. Don't borrow trouble!!! And put that SED away in a quiet space in your brain for now. And close the door on it! gail
  8. sorry that all went on for you. I often wish for a magic wand to wish it all away ya know? But you sound good, so keep feet moving forward and smile!!! gail
  9. We will miss her smiling face and her amazing spirit. thoughts and prayers go to you gail
  10. My school has switched insurance several times since my first DX. There was NEVER any gap in coverage. My biggest problem was if I had to change doctors. Try to relax about it. gail
  11. I hear you, but I think the fact that you remembered the daffodils, and realized the cats needed petting means you haven't forgotten what you've learned. You just momentarily forgot. When my cats start demanding attention I call it my sign from God--stop and pet the cats (and the dog) gail
  12. gail


    Wonderful news and beautiful girls! gail
  13. What would we do without our nodules to keep us hopping!!! And you KNOW how little 3 MM is! So the CT sliced the sucker. Next time it won't see it at all. And YES give the worry to the doctor. He's the one who found it. gail
  14. You the man! so proud of you gail
  15. May 5, my first niece. And Sarah, after her. good luck gail
  16. I will be substituting m&ms and chardonay, but will raise the toast to our dear Frank Thanks for posting Connie gail
  17. gail

    seven years!

    It's a great thing, and don't apologize, because we are proud of you. I hope you celebrate big time! gail
  18. gail

    Eric's Birthday

    Brought a tear to my eye girlfriend!!! And a smile on my face. I KNOW what you mean! Enjoy the day, the week, the all, because before you know it . . . he's in college and too busy to talk!!! gail
  19. Good news. I called my college boy in PA just to hear his voice. gail
  20. Needed a smile today! what a sweetheart gail
  21. gail

    Recovery Time?

    Pace yourself my dear! I would do a little, rest a little, do a little, rest again. I've found with my surgeries that if I took it easy the first few weeks and built up my energy recovery was easier down the road. Look for small tasks each day just to get yourself up. Don't push it. gail
  22. Sorry you are having such troubles. Have you tried water ice? gail
  23. I smoked for 10 years, and during those 10 years I could count 5 days that I did not have a cigarette (and one of those days i had surgery) when I decided to quit, i spent a lot of time watching people who did NOT smoke, especially when in bars. THEY seemed happy. I remember sitting and making snowflakes with napkins to help pass the craving. and I never understood people counting the non smoking days until I became one of them. Each day was a victory. You CAN do it, one day at a time. gail
  24. Good questions to ask. In my 14 year journey with cancers I have seen a lot of changes. And I thank God that medical science keeps testing and learning. It does get nuts when protocol changes, but I am glad scientists are still studying. First breast cancer, stage one, no chemo required, but it was an option I chose not to take, and that was after two opinions. When I got a new breast cancer I took the chemo then. Did I question my decision not to have chemo the first time? For about 5 minutes. With the lung cancer, stage 1A, I got opinions from an oncologist and a pulminologist, both saying no chemo. when the later studies came out saying chemo was an option for stage 1, my oncologist said if i came into his office as a new patient, he STILL wouldn't recommend it. I think it comes down to personal decisions. There are no guarentees either way. gail
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