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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. You are awesome! I am so very proud of you Sandy!
  2. Welcome back! You were missed!
  3. You got all of my well wishes Peggy.
  4. Please Please see an attorney before any further action is taken. This sounds really rotten. Good luck. Lisa
  5. Lisa O


    Dearest Elaine, I am not being in the least bit critical. I do think, however, that the medical system loves to put us in a powerless position and it makes it easy for us to forget that we can take control back. If the neurontin does not help, then you have a right to go and get some relief. Are you taking anything over the counter? Does anything help? Is your doctor on call? If you are in pain late at night - a few well placed late night phone calls would let her know that your pain is not being relieved. You can do this Elaine. You are in my prayers. You can take control and show this doctor that it is not ok to bully patients who are in pain.
  6. Lisa O


    By law you have a right to have your pain managed. You must go to an ER if you are in that much pain Elaine. You are taxing your body which is not good for your immune system. Take the power back from this doctor - you are giving her control which is not helping the situation. If she said by all means go to the ER - Then go to the ER. Do not relinquish control. Do not go back to the position of child. Take control back.... NOW. You are in a business relationship - remember that.
  7. You have been through so much.... Your family will be in my prayers. Lisa
  8. Welcome for now.... I hope you don't belong here later.... but it's a great place to be when you need comfort and friends. It sounds like the perfect place for you to be at this moment. Perhaps in the future you will feel that this is an inappropriate forum for you. I certainly hope so. For now, let us wait with you.
  9. Hi Irene, There are so many other options available. Hang in there until your onc finds the magic potion. I wish you the best. Lisa
  10. Welcome to the group! We are all in various stages of our travels on this path -- which has been so helpful to me. I hope this group brings you as much comfort as it has brought to me. Lisa
  11. Welcome to the group! We are all in various stages of our travels on this path -- which has been so helpful to me. I hope this group brings you as much comfort as it has brought to me. Lisa
  12. I am so glad to hear that the tumor is gone! Welcome to the group. I hope your treatments are always successful.
  13. First, just know there is hope. There have been many strides made in lung cancer. I don't know anything about your treatment but there are many wonderful success stories with 3A and I am sure you will find a lot of support here. Check out the alternative forum for tips on diet. Good luck.
  14. I have said a prayer for your Dad. I sure hope those meds kick in quickly and that the radiation and Alimta do their jobs!
  15. Lisa O

    Hall Pass

    Take it minute by minute... we will be here when you need us. You will be in my prayers. Lisa
  16. So that makes you a Poultry Ghost! LOL.... I crack myself up...
  17. Maybe you can order some seasonal fruit from Harry and David.
  18. I am also praying for her. Is there a gastroenterologist involved? Lisa
  19. My Iressa rash waxes and wanes. Please call your doc asap about the face swelling. Welcome back. I am so glad you had a great time. Lisa
  20. I am so sorry Lisa. Vent away. My prayers are with you.
  21. Ray, I am so sorry that your family even needs to have any more concerns. You remain in my thoughts and prayers. Lisa
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