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Two year anniversary (whew)


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As I read the board tonight, I discovered quite a few anniversary posts, which is always good news, because it shows that people are surviving and beating the odds.

I am happy to report that today I had a surgeon's visit, complete with x-ray, and got a clean bill of health and, since it's been two years since my diagnosis, and just shy of two years from surgery, I am on a once a year visit basis now with him.

I've spent the afternoon calling family and friends and telling them the good news, as they have agonized with me since my diagnosis and treatment.

I know there are no guarantees in life, and I am very careful around buses and beer trucks, but I feel optimistic for the first time in two years. My oncologist has always said, "If you can just get to that two year mark." My surgeon has said that ninety percent of the time, if it's going to come back it will come back in the first two years. So, you see, two years was a big deal for me.

I've said it before, and I repeat--you people on this board saved my sanity. I worry about all of you and I find joy in your triumphs. You all gave me so much hope when I couldn't find any anyplace else. I am grateful to have found you.....and plan on sticking around to celebrate many, many more success stories from you all....Thanks for all you've done for me, I'm very grateful.


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to Cindy,

You are my partner in crime, and I don't know what I would have done without you here to share our neurotic moments these past 2 years. Whenever I have an odd pain or sensation, I always smile because of you, I know that if I am feeling it, you most certainly have also at one point or will shortly!! :lol: And vice versa!!

I am so glad that you are at that magical mark, the one that seemed SO far away just 6 months ago. I share your joy today and cautious optimism.


Okay, well maybe the CAUTIOUS optimism can start tomorrow :wink::lol: ...........

Congrats Cindy, this is a big one, I know!

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Hi Cindy,

GREAT news...a BIG congrats to you :!: You now serve as inspiration to those of us following. Not that I want to wish my life away :? , but....I am still in the MONTHS category. Hope to celebrate MY 2 years with YOU down the road :D . Please stay!


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Congrats Cindy and many more. Dont' go away now. I have gotton a lot of inspiration from your posts. I had my surgery on April 20th of this year so I am just starting out on being a survivor. WE need people like you to get us through the rough spots. I go for my first CAT Scan next week and already I'm a nervous wreck.

Again.....many, many more for you.

Bill in PA.

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Congratulations. I hit one year on April 30th. I'm now on the down hill slide to two years. Reading yours and others open and honest posts have helped me tremendously. I'm so happy that you reached this milepost. I'm hoping that all of us will continue to reach these critical points on our respective march to survivorship.

Congrats again!


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Dittos; really good to hear. Congrats !!

Im having my 6 mos. ct scan in a week or two..funny how I havent worried much up until now, but suddenly Im eating the anti-anxiety meds heavier. hehe I guess ur all right, the anxiety is unavoidable when closing in on test time.

Good to hear your news...may we all do as well....take care...Rich B.

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I am so happy for you. My oncologist said the same thing about the 2 year mark. I had my PET/CT yesterday and will find out the results tomorrow. If it is clear (and I have every reason to think it is) then I will be celebrating my two year mark since chemo. Have a wonderful time as you celebrate big time today.


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