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Nothing to Tell!

Don Wood

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Nothing to tell is great news! Lucie and I went to the onc today. The CT scans of chest and abdomen show nothing new, nothing growing! Stable as she goes! The x-ray of her leg shows nothing new,just the cancer place in the bone. So the continued pain there is most probably due to radiation damage. It IS getting better, though slowly. Time to open the bar, guys! First round is on me. Don

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((Don and Lucie)) ~~ you deserve such a great report!!!! That radiation can be such a wonderful (and dreadful) thing. My hopes are that Lucie's pain continues to diminish, all else remains stable, and that you both are in shape to leave Cindi's and find your way home!

I am sooo happy for you! You both are the BEST!


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Don and Lucie,

That "no news" is great news. I am so happy for both of you. Now if that dad gum bone pain will go away you two can take another trip. I will have a memosa?(sp) at the bar. Thanks for posting. I have been worried about Lucie...this is really good to hear.


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