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Surgery Tomorrow

Fay A.

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Now that the plans for surgery are in motion, I hope that they go smoothly. My prayer is that we find you feeling much better in just a few days.

We will miss you. As soon as you are able you must let us know that you are doing ok. Fay, you are in my prayers and will be especially tomorrow am.


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All good thoughts, vibes, wishes, prayers AND chickens are on their way to you, Fay.

Will be thinking of you especially around the time of surgery...and hoping to hear from you very soon, that you're on the mend and feeling lots better.

Let us hold your pork chop...you just concentrate on healing and getting well, ok?

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carry only the good spirits and thoughts of your friends with you as you enter this one, Fay.

I hope you are treated at least as I was when I was in. I hope that there is a nurse who will spoon feed you ice chips and give you back scratches, rubs, and baths too. Talk about living in the lap of luxury! Don't forget where your call light is. Tape it to your right index finger!

Be well!

Cindi o'h

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I hope someone vacuums while you are out and that you have organized a plastic sheet taping party since we last spoke.

Aside from that, I sincerely hope that you get to be on the OTHER end of that Black Cloud Spectrum and have a wonderful and more than spectacular surgeon who manages to fix everyone else's mistakes AND can share the good news that there is no cancer, no where!

All good thoughts for you, Fay, and for today, as well. Anxiety has a way of eating a hole in our tummies, huh?

Love to you,


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