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Saw the surgeon on Friday. I was looking at a pleural effusion on the chest xray. I had only seen them on a CT scan. It does look different on an xray.

As you may recall, I spent 6 days in the hospital and major VATS surgery to try to resolve this in early Sept. Dr. says that a chylothorax presents a more tenacious problem.

He suggested ligating the the thingy that it dripping chyle fluid into my lung. However, he said to accomplish this, he would have to break one of my ribs and lay me open from here to there, the same as a thoracotomy. We, neither of us, liked the sounds of that.

I told him that I think that there is more. I told him that I think there is more going on with me to cause the SOB. Maybe my heart. Maybe the pulm artery. There is alot of scar tissue from the radiation around the pulm. artery. Maybe it is all the scarring of my lung. I don't know, but I would like to know.

I do well if I stay still. I just can't move. Sometimes just turning over in bed leaves me breathless. Something is going on. Walking any faster than a snail leaves me gasping for air. This has been going on for at least two years.

He agreed to help me. I am to be admitted on Monday for a thorough going over. Can't wait! I am hoping that the source of my problem will be discovered and fixed and then I can get on with the activities I used to do. Like tying my shoes.

I am bringing the notebook this time, so I can stay busy in there.

Thanks for all your prayers and well wishes.



Okay Miss Cindi!!!!

Shame on you for pretending to be better than you really are! SOOOOOOOOOO I HOPE this time you and the surgeon can get to the bottom of this. I will pray even harder for you (if that is possible) that there is some resolution to this probem.

Does this mean that we will not be hearing from you for a while?

PLEASE keep us up to date, Cindi. We want your breath restored and you feeling well.




Cindi, I really don't like it when you are away, but if someone can give you relief then it is a small sacrifice that we will have to live with. Perhaps that is an electronic notebook you are taking so you can check our "good wishes" while you wait for the next poking and prodding? Of course, you could just use this time to rest and take it easy and know that you will be in our thoughts, always.

Take care of yourself and let the nurses help too!




My spirit will be with you all week.

Sending you warm wishes that you will

soon be feeling much better.

Will keep your candle burning and

prayers going your way.





What a wonderful reassurance that he is 'going to help you'.

We trust him to do so.

Please know we are with you, we care and we have you firmly in prayer.

Much love and all positive thoughts!



Cindy: Sounds like you have been through a heck of a time...also sounds like your not stopping till you get to the bottom of this. Good for you! We know our bodies best, right? I'll be thinking of you and praying for the best outcome possible.




I'm so glad they are finally going to find out what is going on.

Sheesh, two years is a little bit too long to go without breath :?

Will be looking for updates on what's going on and praying all goes well and the answers turn out to be an easy fix.



Having some recent experience dealing with similar issues you have to know that I'm praying and keeping my fingers crossed that they find answers and can help you to breathe easier very soon.

I've sent a private message.



I hate to hear this. I was hoping they took care of this fluid issue with the talc procedure. On the other hand, I hope it is just fluid causing your SOB instead of heart problems. Either way, I'm praying for you!




You have my prayers that you will get answers this time. It's such a helpless feeling when you don't know why things are happening to you. You have been trying to get someone to help you for a long time. Praying this trip yields plenty of results and better yet, solutions. Keep us informed.

Love ya,



Many prayers being said for you, Cindi! I wish Carolyn and I could come visit and give you smooches... Take care of yourself and let us know how you are when you're able. I NEED my Cindi'oh fixes!



I truly hope and pray that they get to the bottom of this once and for all. Yo've suffered long enough with it. Praying for you my friend. Git R Done!



Darn Cynd, don'tlike that news. Didn't know you can't even tie a shoe without getting SOB. :shock: You are right girlfriend, we have to find out once and for all what is causing this and get it fixed fast.

I don't like you being so SOB. Not our Cynd... no siree.....

Will be lighting a white healing candle for you.

Will be thinking of you and sending out healing prayers.

Hang in there. You will get an answer.



Cindi, I haven't been around here too long, but I know that things will not be the same if you are away for a while...you have an amazing spirit, and are so supportive of everyone here.

I am hoping that the surgeon will be able to figure out what is going on...and fix it!

Be sure to keep us posted, if you can.


Dear Cindi,

I ditto Kasey's post. Shame on you for not telling us you were still having SOB problems that bad. I am really glad you are going in to get this figured out and get it fixed. You must be miserable being that short of breath. My prayers are with you for success next week and soon!




Cindi...I'm sorry to hear of your problems with SOB. Since I've been diagnosed with Pulmonary Artery Hypertension for a number of years..I know how long and frustrating the dx process can be. Contact me if I can help.



Now you tell us. Here it has been 2 years and you never told us how bad it was. My prayers can be much more specific now and maybe that will make some difference. I hope that you and your doc can come up with a solution quickly and that it does NOT require cutting you from here to there. Stay in touch as you can. We all need you Cindi. By the way, who is minding the pub?


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