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Hank has passed away.


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Hi everybody,

Hank passed away in the hospital this morning. My only regret is that we were unable to get him home. We were in the process of arranging that today.

I am numb, very sad, but I am O.K. We knew this was coming, I am relieved that he and I no longer have to struggle with this disease. If there is a better place, I hope that he's found it. And now, I'm just going to go forward.

I want to thank you all who have tried to help me through this journey. You did help me. I would have never thought it possible that complete strangers reaching through cyberspace could be of such great help to me. You have been truly wonderful. Those of you who are out there still fighting, I wish you strength, and peace, and success.

An odd thing happened this morning. I never drive Hank's car but I chose to this morning.

I started it up, and what was playing on the radio but, Spirit in the Sky. I began driving to the hospital to see him, and then the doctor called me. Very odd indeed. :)

I will still be dropping in on you all from time to time.

Wishing you all the best,


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OMG Gail!!! I am so shocked and sad. :cry: My heart is breaking for you. I am glad that he is no longer in pain and can breathe freely again. He is definitely a special Spirit in the Sky. You have my deepest sympathies.



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Gail, my heart breaks for you. You have been so strong through all of this. God bless you both and peace be with you. I just LOVE the song "spirit in the sky"...had forgotten all about it...reverent and peaceful and very melodic. Thank you for reminding me of it.

Continued prayers


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Gail -

I am so very very sorry.

I know that Hank is in a better place and

the song on the radio was a sign to you that that is so.

Take care of yourself now - please - keep in touch to let us know how you are doing -

You will continue to be in my prayers.



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Gail, you've been marvelous through this entire ordeal, and Hank was one lucky guy to have you by his side. He's fine now, and you will be too.

I would have never thought it possible that complete strangers reaching through cyberspace could be of such great help to me.

Isn't that so true! I've often thought the same thing, and wondered how that could be. The bond we share seems to be on another level, different from most other relationships. It allows us to communicate very directly, almost "soul to soul," bypassing the inconsequential frills of physical features, mode of dress, accent, and material surroundings. It also exlains why many of us feel so lost when the site is down for a few hours. Much Aloha,


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THe days ahead will be rough and remember that we are always here. My Deepest condolences and thoughts and also heartfelt Prayers. Be gentle with yourself. You diod everything you could for HAnk in this battle and we wll all be reunited some day!

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Gail - I am so very, very sorry for the loss of your Hank. You both fought so hard - there is absolutely nothing fair about this disease.

Please know you have my deepest sympathies and I will keep you in my thoughts in the difficult days to come.


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