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Results of MY CT SCAN

Connie B

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Hi All,

Well, I love posting in the Good News Forum, I only wish we could ALL post in this forum all the time.

Well, here goes. I had a CT scan on Jan 5 on my right lung and the nodule that popped up last year in April. Well, in April the nodule was 4mm's in size. (very small). In August of last year the CT scan I had showed the nodule had grown to 6 to 7 mm's. Still small in size, but reason for alarm because it was growing. Well, on Jan 5, 2004 the CT scan indicated the nodule has shrunk back down to 4 mm's. So, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! My Pulm. Doc is very happy to see it had shrunk, as AM I!

He said, right now, we will keep a watchful eye on it. So, I will have a CT scan in 4 months again. WOW, was that the BEST news for me or WHAT?

I was just dreading another surgery. But, it's not in the cards for now! HIP HIP HOORAY!!!! I am thrilled! So, I'm hoping to see 9 years of being CANCER FREE and a ONE LUNGER come July of this year. I LOVE IT! But I do have to add this, My WONDERFUL Pulm. Doc is going to look at my CT pictures for himself this coming week he said, rather then just taking the report for it's word. He said, he just wants to have peace of mind for himself and for me and he would feel better if he looked and compared them and give me a call later his week. What a GUY!

Love to All,

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Dear Connie,

I am so happy for you. I have to admit when I saw your post I hesitated to look to the left to see which forum you posted in and to my relief I saw GOOD NEWS. LCSC members are so fortunate to have you. You are an inspiration to all of us.....

Your friend Cathy

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OUTSTANDING NEWS !!!! Connie; :):):):):)

Also, love to see you posting here!!!! and love the sound of " Having peace of mind" - :)

((((( HUGS to YA ))))))

God bless and be well

Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

MRI's taken 12/18/03 - 2 brain mets found- named em Frick & Frack

PET taken 1/5 - hot spot in mediastinum May be cancer??

"Absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

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I've got to visit the Good News section more often!

Congrats, Miss Connie. I know how much you were looking forward to not having to be scanned, poked, prodded, whatever for a few months. Shrinkage is WONDERFUL NEWS! And not having to go back for scans for 4 months must feel like a vacation after all you've been through since last Fall. :)

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