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Hi All,

Mixed bag here. Two or so weeks ago i went in for results of my scans. At that time I was prepared to ask for doctor for some time out (completed 3 rounds of cisplatain and taxotere) as I just couldn't handle 24/7 nausea anymore. It turns out that the scan results were very good (tumours gone from medistanum (sp?) gone from brain as well as significant shrinkage in adrenal gland which he is perferectly happy to observe. The only question mark remains the top of my spine where they think they've beaten that back. Bone Scan coming up.

More good news...After what seemed like a lifetime I finally had a full week of NO NAUSEA and was never so grateful for anything in my life. Bad news : its back and i'm really really down about that. Not to mention that appetite is nonexistent ( I mean I can't even get it as far as my mouth without gagging.)

I am trying very hard not to worry about my spine but my pain management consultant is just now weaning me off gabapentin and the pain that was there before caused by the tumour is returning..

One other thing..i have progressively gotten more and more deaf (especially on one side) and they have set up appointment for me. Seems that is a by product of cisplatain.

As I said..a real mixed bag. Will post when bone scan and results of other tests are in.

Tell then, take care of yourselves and enjoy the nice weather coming our way at last

God Bless us All,


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Francine, what great news you first reported. That sick feeling can be a drag but maybe it will go away again and for good. Hope the spine is going to be okay and as Don said, maybe you can stay on the meds if it helps. Pain you don't need...

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I wish I knew some secrets to make you feel better but I don't. I am glad for the good news that you posted and hope that the doctors find a way around the not so good stuff!!

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That's a lot of good news all at once, but it sounds like the side effects are dumping a wet blanket on that good news. Nausea will quickly knock the wind out of anybody's celebration. Hope you can focus on the good news and minimize the worries and side effects. I'll be praying for you!


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Congrats on the good news.As for the nausea and loss of appetite I can really sympathize with you.I have been that way for almost two months until this past week.My nausea was intermittent but I did not eat anything solid for over 2 months.I lost 30 lbs too.I was making myself drink the shakes and had trouble getting them down.Last week my doctor prescribed promethazine for nausea and megestrol acet for appetite.It could be that it was just time for me to get straightened out anyway but about 3 days after I started on those I was eating and not nauseous any more.Could be just pure timing.Not sure.But it may be worth a try.Praying that you get your appetite back soon.If not at least rid yourself of the nausea and force yourself to eat something.You have to.Take care.TBone

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I was sooo happy when I was reading about all your good news and sooo sorry that you are experiencing so much nausea and all those side effects... I remember how bad you were feeling when you were receiving treatment, gosh I hope you start to feel better soon...(((((FRANCINE))))))

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Dear Francine,

Count me right in there with everyone else being very happy about your good news and it mostly is GOOD news.

The nausea sounds like the old saying, 'it wasn't the disease but the cure that got him'. Hope this recurrence is very temporary.

Prayers for a clean bone scan.


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Francine... All in all, great news. The nausea stinks though - nothing worse I am sure. I know it is difficult to event THINK about eating, but you need to keep your strength up - sounds like you are really getting a hold on this disease and starting to KICK BUTT!!! Hold tight... Love, Sharon

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I'm glad that at least you got some good test results. Sure do hope you get that nasuea under control soon...Wish I had some good suggestion. Only thing I can think of is keep yourself hydrated--we know how bad dehydration can be.

Feel better soon.

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I'm going to look at this as a 1/2 full mixed-bag rather than the opposite. I'm so sorry about the ongoing nausea and the spinal pain. Praying that the next post will be to tell us there has been improvement in those areas as well. Hugs....

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Hello Francine....I was wondering about you. It sounds like you've got a handle on the tumors...but the darn nausea won't let go of you. When I read your post I got sick to my stomach.....it must've been sympathy pains. If only you could prop yourself up with some of the miracle drinks that are out today. Are you able to drink a variety of stuff?? I know there's not much that can be done until the nausea subsides. My heart goes out to you....Please know there are many of us pulling for you.

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There is nothing worse than feeling nauseated. My hubby did everything to try to get me to eat. For one week solid every bite came right back up. He even went and got Lobster my very most favorite food. It will get better my dear. Just so gald that the treatment is working! I am praying that your spine pain goes away along with the nausea.

Prayers for you being said,


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So sorry to hear about the nausea and pain. But the good news is great...before long you will be talking to NED in your sleep I hope. Praying for the bone scan to be good and for the pain and nausea to go away quickly. Thinking of you.


aka Nushka

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Glad to hear that the tests are coming back good and the tumors are almost gone. This is a true blessing. Is it possible for you to take maybe a very low dose of Decadron to get rid of the nausea. I know when I was so dizzy, I was nausaueous (sp?) and the Dec helped tremendously. I was on 1mg per day. I was able to eat and still can. You may still have some swelling and inflammation from the radiation. Even if you stay on it for maybe a few weeks or so just for the nauseau to subside. This is just a suggestion. Surely this can't hurt, that is what the nuerosurgeon said to me. It stimulates my appetite and got rid of the nausea. You are in my thoughts and prayers each day. I hope this might work for you...

Blessings and Happy Easter,


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