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My dad's passing


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Tonight, my father, peacefully passed away at home with all of his family at his side. He was alert almost until the end, and we were able to tell him how much we love him and how much he means to us. Even all of the grandchildren were able to see him. Through God's providence, a home health nurse came to open up his case - on Easter Sunday. The nurse was able to come to see him only because another patient did not answer his phone. The nurse drew lab work and a type and cross, in case he needed a transfusion (Thanks to some advice I got from this site). We debated whether we should take him to the hospital or not and through God's providence, we were able to talk to a oncologist affiliated with our health plan from my aunt's church. We asked him a lot of questions about what we could do for my father, and he assured us that as long as we could keep him comfortable at home, there really wasn't much more they could do in the hospital. I am still in a state of shock on how quickly he went. There was a dramatic change every day for the past week. Last Sunday he went to church and offered a prayer request about everything being in God's hands, and today on Resurrection Sunday he is finally free from all the cares and troubles of this world. We had originally planned a family trip this week and in many ways it was God's providence that we had this week together and we will be forever grateful for this time we had. I know it was hard on us for him to go so quickly, but I know it would have been even harder for him to be sick for a long time since he was such an active/independent person. Thank you again for all your love and support and advice. Again, you are all a Godsend. shirley

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Sorry about your father, but he had all his family with him,

and he went in peace.

From one week to the next it is a fast exit, but one that

is often better than too long as the souvenirs of the day

are softer and do not bring as much bad memories to us.

My codolences to all of you.


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Am so sorry for your loss. Am glad the family was there to help him cross over. He will be missed dearly but we all have a day and wouldn't it be nice to have it at 80 and healthy up to that point. He had a good life I am sure from your post.

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I am so sorry to hear about your dad. There are no words...

I am glad to hear that you and your family got to spend this last week with him and that you were all there when he went. I'm sure that meant a great deal to all of you.

Please know that our thoughts are with you and we are "here" in case you need to talk through these difficult times.



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I'm sorry for your loss, Shirley. I think it really is a blessing to be able to spend time with those you love. I just know that you were a true comfort to your Father during his life and especially over this past week. I hope you can find solace in knowing this.

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Peace and comfort would be to die in the presence of the people most loved and with the peace of the knowledge of resurrection. It appears that you and your family were able to provide that for your Father and that will carry you through the days ahead. May God hold you all close as you grieve in this loss.

God's Blessings,


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