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Endoscopy, in the AM;


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Hey all;

I'm having an endoscopy in the morning, Can use some prayers; :roll:

They're using the scope to see if they can repair my esoghagus; I'm not worried about the procedure it's the results. I'm hungry and hav'nt anything to eat sinse March. :shock: Actally, I'm being fed via a J-tube that was inserted in my stomach, Ya just put another can of " dogfood " in the bag and turn on the machine. :x Ya can see my humor is comin back.

Anyway, can use some prayers!!

God Bless and be well


left pneumonectomy 5/2/01, brain mets, 12/18/03, WBR, 2/04

chemo- 5/1 for mediastinum tumor - can't eat or drink anymore- that sucks!

" absolutely insist on enjoying life today"

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Hey! There's the Bob I know and love! I hope you can shuck the feeding tube soon Bob. They are no fun I know. I will be wishing you all the best in the am. Let us know how it goes.

Sure is nice to have you back posting again. I've missed all your emoticons.


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Hey Bob,

Good to see you posting again. The dog food, what flavors do you have. Nothing too spicy I hope. Sure missed you and I wish you well. Many special prayers for a solution and you can get back to eating and get rid of that tube... Please keep us posted on your test results.

God Bless and prayers,


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I think your posting is going to help TBone's frame of mind - so thanks!

Think we can send you some of these fish to make into "dogfood" for that feeding tube? Seriously, hope your scope tomorrow goes well and that you'll soon be gobbling up real food. Then we WILL send you some fish!! (And french fries, hush puppies, and slaw. And yes, the fish will be fried - we are in Georgia, you know! Might even throw in some pickles and onions if you're extra nice!)



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Prayers going up for you.

I have a question though, Bob....do you get to brush and floss less now? I'm just trying to look for a brighter side to the dogfood. P.S. I Love that sense of humor!

Tee Taa, them thar fish look delicious! Did you all really catch all of those on your trip? Wow!


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Welcome back, Bob. I'll be praying for you that the procedure shows that the repair can be easily and quickly completed so that you can get back to your normal way of getting nourishment (and hopefully giving up the dog food--my dog doesn't even eat dog food).



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Guest bean_si (Not Active)


Sorry I missed this. I'll sent up a prayer now that they fix your esophagus and you can stop with the "doggy food".


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Bob, Sorry to hear that you are still on the feeding tube, but I can't tell you how happy I was to see you posting again. I pray the endoscope went well and you received some positive news... Please let us know. As always, prayers going up for you. Sharon

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Gee, I am sorry I missed this post a few days ago. I hope the procedure gave you good news. Will look forward to hearing the results.

It is always good to see your posts. Hang in there and when you feel up to it...how about one of your famous jokes?


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Hey Bob -- Welcome Back!!!!

I had an edoscopy done last summer -- I don't recall much about the procedure though, since they make you so darn loopy during it! :roll:

I hope all went well and you are on the mend soon. That first bite of food is going to taste sooooooooo good!!!!!!! :wink:

Take care of yourself,


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