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It's Three Years Today~


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Today is the 3-year anniversary of John's diagnosis. I never quite know what to do about this day...it's not exactly a day to be celebrated like other anniversaries. It is a milestone I know and should be acknowledged somehow. It's just hard to think about and relive such a horrible day. Last year, I posted our story on this day to mark it. This year I think I just want it to come and go and get to tomorrow where I can then say, "It's been over three years.

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I agree ~~ not a celebratory type day for you. So ...what to do. How about posting here and let us all feel inspired by hearing "3 years" and feeling grateful? Maybe to just look at John and he at you and be thankful for these 3 years together? How about looking at your children and thanking God for their health and growth these past 3 years? How about just toasting each other for each other's strength, courage, and love these past 3 years? Or maybe, you will choose to let the day slip unobtrusively by...go to bed...and awake tomorrow grateful to begin year 4.

Whatever you and John choose, Rochelle, just know that by posting here there are so many good wishes and prayers for you guys - you should be supplied with both for 3 MORE years to come. I am happy for you both - that you have had these years. I wish nothing but MANY more.

Many warm wishes,


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Ry, some dates are best not remembered. I work with a woman that makes some kind of remark on the 18th of every month. I know what the 18th is and I do not need or want to be reminded. But I smile and thank her.

Remember this date when you can say "Remember when" and then laugh.

I was out today with a friend that is a 15 year breast cancer survivor and we talked about how her head was about that. She said it is always there, but just as a matter of life now, where before it was CANCER..

John is more than 1/2 way (in fact 60%) to that magical 5 year mark. And as you said, tomorrow he is in his 4th year of survival. Think positive.

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I sat here with my fingers poised on the keyboard, trying to figure out how to respond. I didn't want to NOT acknowledge your post, and the 3 year mark today for both you and John but don't know what to say. SO count me as one of the first to wish John and yourself the best years ahead, starting tomorrow morning.

I just want to add that although of course I hate the fact that you need to be, I am glad that both of you are on the board. You both serve as an inspiration to many, and John's jokes are an inspiration to at least Frank. :wink:

Congratulations to you both on John's 3 years of survivorship and going strong! That IS something to celebrate! (I'm thinking your downplaying this so you don't get the anniversary special chicken delivery! :lol: )

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Congratulations on 3 years.I think it calls for a huge celebration at Cindi's Pub.

My diagnosis was on the day after my birthday so now instead of a birthday cake I am now getting a cake with 1 year survivor,2 year survivor,etc.(lots less candles to blow out.)

I enjoy it and am still determined to blow out 44 candles which should make me 100 years old.(I'm sure Debi or Snowflake or someone will correct me if my math is wrong.)

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Though it is odd trying to figure out how to commemorate the rolling around of upsetting dates it is vital that you, Rochelle, and John, know how we hang on this anniversary and take joy and hope from it. Bri is due to start Tarceva this month.........your 'anniversary' inspires our hope.


We will meet you and all your pals and supporters at Cindi's for a commemoration/celebration/thanksgiving/prayerfully optimistic looking forward party.



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On beginning four years:


I think you and John should buy a cheap pair of shoes on these anniversaries and throw one shoe away. These are days of "waiting for the other shoe to drop" and if you throw that other shoe away, you won't have to deal with it later, if one falls, you'll KNOW there isn't another shoe to wait for and be able to sleep!

May the four stretch to forty and beyond, may you celebrate graduations, weddings and grandchildren as well as many, many sunrises and sunsets on the back dock. May your friends be many and your troubles be few.

Take care and do something fun, something that three years ago seemed so completely out of the pictures three years out!

Love to you both,


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Mr. Ry is here...and that's what matters, right? 8) Celebrate...or not....he's a 3 yr. survivor which gives a lot of us a lot of hope!

Hope tomorrow doesn't feel so strange and that you get lots of pleasure (as I know you will) saying it's THREE YEARS PLUS...and still counting for a long, long time!

Way to go John...and you too, Ry.

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I know what you mean because the nightmare of diagnosis, etc. sticks in my mind and terrorizes me too, but survivorship is something to celebrate and three years is huge!

I hope three years morphs into 30 years over time for you and John.....


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Happy 3 yrs.!!!!!! It hardly seems that long (since you were dignosed w/ cancer) but it is. I can rember when I first heard you had lung cancer :( But now, to tell you the truth I had forgoten that you even had cancer. Nothing had really changed (excpt youre cough and tired alot). I'm very happy and proud of you, also proud to be youre daughter.



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This truly is bitterwseet isn't it. It's a really odd thing to celebrate - I don't know what to do either so I just go on my merry way and when people notice I just say thanks for the good thoughts.

I'm so pleased for you both that things are going so well, may there be many more aniversaries not to celebrate.


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John and Ry,

I'm going with 'Happy Anniversary!', because here it is....the THIRD June 12th since John's diagnosis. That's THREE chances to turn June 12th into a day associated with GOOD memories.

May you have many, many more June 12ths together.

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Hi RY,

I think it is great. :) You have given many people hope here. So many people today are going through what you did three years ago. You received the diagnosis and you were so scared you thought there was no hope. Well, here you are 3 years later. John is doing so well, this gives them hope for tomorrows.

Here's a toast to you Ry, John, and Jillian for many, many more tomorrows. Until John becomes so old he has trouble remembering what day it is. :shock:

Cheers, :wink:


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