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Another blow

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Keith had his procedure done yesterday. They drained over a liter of fluid from his right lung.

Unfortunately they weren't able to put the stints in the veins. He has two compression spots and both were in places that were determined to be poor spots for stints. The main area of concern is where a lymph node has completely circled his Superior Vena Cava and is cutting off the blood flow in his mediastanum. Unfortunatly the exact spot is right where another main vein joins in the SVC so to put in a stint would cut off the other vein. They also found that another main vein is completely blocked by blood clots but they can't open that vein because it is the vein that his port catheter uses. So they can't open it without removing the port. Since Keith is going to the University of Chicago to try and see if there are any trials he can get into on June 14th, they didn't want to remove his only access for IV treatment.

So they drained his fluid but did nothing for the SVCS. They also never identified what is causing his abdominal pain, they just said it was probably a lot of tumor growth in the organs there, and increased his meds.

He was actually feeling a little better yesterday evening after having the fluid drained, but today he is feeling really uncomfortable and having more and more pain. I just keep giving him higher doses of his pain meds. I don't know what else to do to help him. He also said he is feeling so weak today. I don't know if that is from the higher nacrotics doses or what.

I just feel like I am losing him. I wish there was a pill out there that could take my pain away. But I imagine this pain is something I will have to learn to live with for the rest of my days for I will love him with all my heart and soul for the rest of time.

Thank you all for your prayers. If anyone has any experience on what to do to help with SVCS without stints I could use all the help I can get. Right now we are just trying to keep his arms elevated but that only does so much.


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Carleen, sweetie, I ache for what you are going through. More than likely impossible, but try to drive the thoughts of the future out of you mind and just live for right now, each day, each hour, each minute.

I will keep you and Keith in my prayers and thoughts.

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Dear Carleen ~ Jumping in a little late here. Your words "I just can't do this" are especially poignant to me as I am hearing those from my mom right now as well. My wishes for her are the same for you. That God will take away all that hurt and bring you peace. I think you have NO idea how many hearts you have touched here on this board and I think you would be surprised at how many people probably pray for you and Keith on a daily basis. You will get through this. I am so sorry for your pain and, of course, praying for the best for you and Keith.


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Hi Carleen,

My thoughts are with you and Keith. I go to the University of Chicago too. I hope they can do something for Keith. I know if there's anything out there, they will do it. Good luck to both of you.


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I will also keep you and Keith in my prayers.

Whatever comes your way Carleen, you can do. Your caring posts for others in similar straights shows your strength and stands as testament. I wish you both nothing but peaceful days ahead. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

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I hate what Keith and you are going through right now, please know I am here for both of you, whatever I can do, please let me know, right now I am praying that everything works out for you and Keith. Never give up hope, you have so many people who are praying for both of you.


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Continued prayers...

Carleen, I am sorry I didn't know until tonight what happened on Tuesday. I just don't know what to say that seems appropriate. It all sounds so trite when I begin to type. But I will try my best...

It is beyond comprehension all of the suffering you have had as a couple. I wish, as I always have, that the news was better. I know the feeling of "I can't do this." Lately I have been going through the motions of life, in such a fog, and more often than usual when I come out of it, I have tears streaming down my face. Tonight, my heart is heavy reading the desperation in your post. I wish I could do more than offer prayers and virtual support. My dad went to University of Chicago Hospital for a second opinion back in 1999 when he was diagnosed with NSCLC. I do hope with everything in me that they have that magic bullet.

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Hi Carleen,

I just got around to reading your post tonight as I was gone for a week then this site was down.

I feel so helpless and frustrated that I can't do anything to heal your pain.

Please know that there are so many prayers being sent your way. I pray for your Keith to have his pain gone.

Also praying hard for a miracle... Hang in there, he has a very strong will and has pulled out of so many negative situations.

We are always here for you.


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